Sean asked Scott and I, "how long can ferret remember"?  I told him I
thought he could only remember about 10 seconds (like a 2 yr old with bad
ADD lol).  But Scott said that he doesn't believe that because as many
shelter opererators can tell you, if a ferret is physically abused by
someone, that ferret will continue to bite only that sex after some
rehab.  Some never get used to the sex that hurt them ever.  Another
thing that comes into mind is how my friends ferret got lost in a hole in
her bathroom one night.  They finally got him out of a living room duct,
and he was quite shaken up.  Two days later, when I visited, I witnessed
this same ferret walking an absolute b-line around that bathroom EVERY
time he went to pass it.  It was quite extraodinary.  There is the fact
that they do bond to specific humans and ferrets.  I see specific cases
of them remembering all the time.  But then I see this extraodinarily
short attention span (like a nanosecond).  So, how long do they
remember... and are we talking about different types of memory.  And
how do they remember..  with smell, with touch what?
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3848]