Greetings fellow FMLers!
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those with missing, ill, or
angeled ankle biters, be they the ferrety or other furried kinds.
But I am so excited!  We're moving this weekend.  (ICK!) I hate moving.
But, it means that we're finally getting out of this god-forsaken
apartment!  :) If you're in Indianapolis, NEVER live in North Willow
Apartments, or any other complex that these silly people manage.  But,
that's off topic and will start me ranting.  The really good news is that
the boys are finally getting to come home!  AND, they'll have their own
room!  AND the cousins are coming too!  Sleve, Snoova, and Loki have been
staying with their cousins BB and Sox, at their Aunt Tina's house in
Ohio.  BB and Sox have been quite understanding with their mommy.  The
boys, on the otherhand, were used to being pretty well free-roaming.
This was not the case at Aunt Tina's.  The boys HATE being there,
according to Aunt Tina.  BB and Sox will come up and cuddle and kiss when
they get free time.  The boys just glare at her.  But, because of time
constraints, and a new roommate with allergies, BB and Sox are coming to
join the boys!  For how long?  Who knows!  So, Sleve's former little
brother and sister (who are now his cousins, long story, ask me about it
off list, if you want the details) are coming to live with the boys.
We're still trying to decide who the alpha ferret is now.  Sleve was when
we brought Loki and Snoova home.  He tried to drag Loki off the bed and
off to parts unknown.  Now?  I think before the boys left for their
extended holiday, BB had been the alpha in Ohio, and Loki was emerging as
the alpha for our crew.  Whee!  Okay.  I keep hearing a rousing chorus of
"the babies are coming!  The babies are coming!  One if by land, and twho
if by sea!  The babies are coming!" Okay.  I'm going to finish my work
for today, and go home and pack.  I hate packing.  But the babies are
Dooks and dances,
Denise Hebert
Alpha Phi Omega, Alumni
ICQ# 1155674
[Posted in FML issue 3847]