Hi all
Things have slowed a littel bit and my hooman gave da puter a shot.  Hope
it didn't hurt.
A little guy came in named BigFun.  He waz met by Frolic, Sterling, Pepsi
and Noble.  They were happy to see each other and greeted him warmly.
Then it waz time to catch up on all da gossip and news at home.  They sat
and talked for some time about everyhting.  Then it was off to da Fruit
Bar where they chowed down on all da goodies there.  After dat it waz off
to explore and see all da sights and attrations.  I later saw them over
at Tube Park where they had a really good game of chase going on.  They
ran and ran through da practice tubes until everyone waz all pooped out.
They seemed to think there waz no winner in da game and I couldn't tell
what waz going on either but they seemed to enjoy it a lot.  They had to
head over to Hammock Haven for a nap to rest up.  He said to send hiz luv
and kisses and hugs to hiz mommy.
A little girl named Loki came in later.  She waz met by Sylvi.  They
seemed happy to see each other and there waz a lot of rolling around and
hugs.  Then they sat and talked about da gossipa and news from home.
They talked for some time.  Then it waz off to da Baby Food Balconey
where they had a real nice meal.  Then they headed out to explore and see
all da sights and attractions.  Then they headed for da Ferretone Flood
where they lapped up dat for a while.  They even grabbed a couple of da
boards and tried da surfing.  They did real well at dat, even lapping
while riding.  They seemed to enjoy da surfing da most though.  She said
she is sorry she had to leave so soon but when it is time it is time.
She said to send lots of luv and kisses and hugs to her mommy.
I am off to Hammock Haven for a nap.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3847]