I had a wonderful ferret about 5 years ago named Kiki that died of old
age and recently my uncle moved to a new house and asked me if I would
like to take one of his ferrets.  (Ironically named Kiki as well, :-)
I like to think of it as ferret reincarnation... she's so similar to my
"old" baby...)
Anyway, she had two cage mates that recently passed on from cancer and as
much as we play with her and buy her things (I've never seen a pet with
more toys!) she still seems a bit lonely.  Kiki had taken to curling up
with a little stuffed monkey and trying to pull it into her hammock with
her and although it's terribly cute to see her dragging this little
monkey around her cage it breaks my heart... I would really be interested
in becoming a foster family for ferrets, or adopting one.  I Live in
Indianapolis and I would appreciate any info anyone can pass along.  I
had considered buying another ferret, but I'd rather give one a home that
really needs it...
Also I don't know if anyone has done this or if it's just me, but during
playtime she has free reign of the master bedroom upstairs, but I have to
keep her out of the bathroom as it's an old house with too many little
places to get into on there so to keep her out I went to a yard sale and
bought one of those old wood baby gates, took it apart and painted it and
stapled fabric (snazzy leopard print) over the white plastic mesh and it
looks fantastic as well as it is effective.
Melissa McDaniels and the monkey Kiki
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[Posted in FML issue 3846]