Hey everyone, can't remember if I told you guys that Noodles is having
"exploratory surgery" on July 10th due to the fact that I know she has
adrenal....Dr. knows she has it, just that when the panel came back it
said she was normal...so were just calling it exploratory... My question
is, what do I/we do when she gets home?  do I put her in her regular 3
story cage or just a 1 story with just a sleep sack on the floor and her
litter box and food/water?  can she play?  do I have to hand feed her?
what if she chews at her stitches?  does she have to be confined?  I
want to be prepared :)
also on a lighter note :-P
I found the cutest fabrics at wal mart yesterday...it was QUILTED in
2"squares...for $5.95 a yard, I just HAD to get it saying to myself "It's
for the ferrets"  I only got a yard and a half and the same amount of the
lining plush fur....about enough to make 6 sleep sacks.  I have one up on
EBAY at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2036658267
and I was thinking maybe if anyone was interested, they could purchase
one and have it sent to their favorite shelter or give it to their
favorite fuzzy.
Funny thing was when i finished sewing it, i set it on my bed and came
back to find Mojo curled up in it.  I said "Mojo, that's not yours..."
I picked her up and took her away from it and she HISSED AT ME!  like
saying "DANGIT This is MINE>>>>>Then she looked up at me and gave me
those sad fuzzy eyes like they do when they play speed bump...as if to
say " mommy can i have it??"  So if it's worth hissing over its worth
keeping.  So I let her have it....spoiled little hairy rat :-)
(not really but she's just the EVIL MOJO JOJO lol!)
-valerie mojo buckie and noodles
(buckie took those bars of soap AGAIN that little turd!)
wolfy, can u email me that ferret up nose link?  thank you :)
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 3832]