I just returned from my trip, and went to pick up the keys from the new
pet sitters.  My home was in great shape.  The cages were perfectly
cleaned, and all of the animals had plenty of fresh food and water.  What
a relief to have had such thorough pet sitters.  I had been worried.
I had spoken to the husband over the phone after I was home for an hour,
and was told that all went just fine.  But when I arrived at the door of
the couple to pick up my keys; the wife let me have it.
Mini-Me, on the last visit, went wild and bit this womans ankles
repeatedly.  The wife shuffled across the floor-as I had taught her
to walk in my home- trying to escape Mini-Me.  But she was screaming
in fear --with Mini-Me clinging with her little razor teeth to her socks
at her ankles.  The husband was laughing hysterically, he said with a
Meanwhile?  Sunny Rhino Mudd, as is his want, slid all the dirty water
bowls across the floor, flooding the floor with water.  Mini_Me let go
of the womans ankles and did some leaping and dancing thing as several
ferrets tipped over a waste filled garbage container.
As they went for more towelling to sop up all the water, and searched for
a broom and dust pan, Mini-Me escaped.
Now they were concerned that they would look like careless pet sitters,
and were obviously upset as they hunted for the one pound silver mitt.
The tone of the wife got ugly and terse as she continued speaking.  I
felt sorry for the husband who was married to her.  I think she is an
exacting person, with little humor.
The wife went on in the ugly voice, telling me that after a great deal of
searching had already gone on,she heard a noise in the den,and walked in.
She rounded the corner and looked in the closet.  Something hit her on
the head, and the husband said she started screaming again.  Another
object fell, narrowly missing her.
Mini-Me was on the top shelf of the closet throwing down my boxes of
stored art at the screeching wife.  The husband started laughing his head
off as the wife told me this.  She found no humor in the situation at all.
The woman could barely contain her feelings.  I do not really understand
what they all were.  But none of them were pleasant..
Well, the story was told.  THIS was what they REALLY had to put up with.
She is sorry... But.........They will not be sitting for the cats or the
ferrets again.
[Posted in FML issue 3844]