Hi all
I think my hooman's computer is got a bug in it.  At least dat is what
they said.  Something about a cold or germ or something.
A little girl named Snowy came in today.  By special request she waz met
by Socks, Suzy, Nibbles, Bailey, Jack and Jill.  I introduced everyone all
around as they did not know each other.  There waz a little tension at
first but when she found out why they were there she soon warmed up to
them.  They headed off to da Fruit Bar where they tried to eat it out of
rasins.  Dat is impossible cause I tried once.  Then it waz off to explore
and see all da sights and attractions.  They later ended up over at da
Otter Slide where they were doing a lot of sliding and splashing.  They
were doing a equal part of each until da water fight broke out.  It was
them against da rest and though they held their own there waz to many of
da others and they soon cried uncle.  They seemed to have a lot of fun
while it lasted though.  She said to send lots of luv and kisses and hugs
to her mommy.
A little guy named Bandit came in later.  He waz met by Athena, Odysseus,
Angel, Diana Roxie and Felicia.  They were happy to see each other and
everyone greeted each other warmly.  Then it waz time to sit around and
talk about da gossip and news at home.  They talked and talked.  After
they were all talked out they headed out to explore and see all da sights
and attractions.  After they had seen everything they headed over to da
Crazy Kars where they each grabbed a car and were soon out on da track to
see who was fastest.  They raced and raced and soon a clear winner waz
declared.  It waz not Bandit though he showed a lot of raw talent, his
skills were not up to snuff and he needs a little practice at it after da
cars gets all da dents out of it and fixed.  It will keep da mechanics
buzy for some time.  He said to send luv along with kisses and hugs to
hiz mommy.
Another little guy came in later named Zorro.  He waz met by Duncan, Kari,
Misty, and Curly.  They were real glad to see him and greeted him very
warmly.  They sat around and talked about home and gossiped for a while.
Then they headed off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.
When da tour waz over they headed over to Dirt Mountain to dig in da dirt
for da fun of it.  He said he wanted to dig to China whereever dat is.
They later directed hiz energies to enlarging da den for one more.  They
soon had it all dug and cleaned out.  They went over to da Sock Steal Game
where they all stole socks to make it comfy.  With all of them working and
carring it didn't take long at all.  They soon had everything put away and
a nice little den finished off.  He said not to worry as he is going to
do fine her and he is sorry he had to leave.  He said to send lots of luv
along with kisses and cuddles to hiz mommy.
Another little girl came in later named Tabitha Ann.  She waz met by
BreAnne Lynn, Nicole and Carmen.  They were glad to see her but wanted to
know a lot about home.  They talked for some time while she filled
everyone in on all da gossip and news.  Then it waz time to head out and
see all da sights and attractions.  I later seen them headed in da
direction of da Tube Park.  They said they were headed over to practice
going though da practice tubes where they were trying to get her in shape
to compete in da races.  They are going to have to practice more together
to get their timing right but she did very well at it.  They seemed to
combine a lot of fun with da practice to although I didn't quite follow
what game they were playing at.  But of course they seemed to know all da
rules which is natural.  She said not to worry as everyone is doing real
well here and she thinks dat she will do fine.  She said to send cuddles
and hugs to her mommy along with lots of luv.
I am off to da Reflecting Pool to keep up on my hooman's puter woes.  I
think they need a new puter.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3844]