Looking at my note I realize that I did not word my post yesterday well.
First off, the Ferret Health List has been moved to
and members are urged to sign on there
you may want to not unsubscribe from the old list until we have another
place to put the archives, because that way you will still be able to
search the archive and use whatever Files remain.
If Smartgroups doesn't pan out we may have to move again, but if we ever
return to Yahoo it will NOT be at the old address because that address
has so many damaged aspects that Yahoogroups Support simply never
repaired and never even replied about no matter how often the problems
were reported.
Things like the archives and files will remain in part until they are
examined and gradually transferred when they are health related.  We have
had to ban one person for breaking the rules and placing an ad (which not
only was for a profit center but also had nothing to do with ferrets).
You can access the Files, Archives, etc.  at the old site, but do not
try posting there, because in his administrative duties as list founder
Christopher has not only moved us but is shutting off such features,
so you are likely to find your post lost.  Instead, rejoin at the new
location and post there.  You will notice that you can then choose to
read subject threads among the posts that are written on site which makes
it easier to find some of the replies.
When you join you will find that they have a section which asks questions
for ads; it is optional.  Personally, I did not fill it out and have not
gotten an ad so far.
This new site has some good features.  It is pretty well impossible to
find them if you have bad vision until you use the reduced vision tips
that I found (thanks to the help of friends and Steve, who also is my
best friend), and then through trial and error.  It is navigable if a
person just uses those.  If you missed reading that post in yesterday's
FML and need it send a mail that reads SEND FERRET 3831 to
[log in to unmask]
Later going to
http://listserv.cuny.edu/archives/ferret-search.html will work.
As with any move there are problems to overcome; I encountered one with
my vision, but once I knew how to reset browsers to larger sizes I could
get around fine with a bit of trial and error and noticed some interesting
features, as you will over time.
A quick way to get there is to ride the link on the old FHL home page at
I have not gotten around to changing it on my sukieslist page on
Geocities for two reasons:
1. I have not had the time to learn how and will not have the time for
   for a while.  (The page was given to me complete by a friend.)
2. I can't recall my password there, anyway.
Please, do let your newsletters, clubs, and lists know of this move to
http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/ferrethealth .
There are already some exciting health posts there to help all learn.
It's the right place to post since posting has ending at the old site.
I apologize for the lack of carried over posts recently, we have had a
hard time here first with Warp having a protracted final month and then
Seven developing a Level 3 Heart Block, which will be fatal for her.
[Posted in FML issue 3832]