Some of this from a Feb 9th article by Isabel George of The Guardian is
perhaps questionable though possible, and some is truly nifty:,1587,646601,00.html
>The early partnership of man and ferret is chronicled by Aristotle
>in 350BC, and then in AD23-79 by Pliny, >who tells of ferrets being
>used to hunt rabbits. Apparently, Genghis Khan used them in
>Afghanistan in >1221, and in England these rodent killers earned
>their first mention in 1223, when a ferreter is listed as >part of
>the royal court.
Genghis Khan used them?  (Anyone have a reference on that?)
Royal Court?
>Medieval ferrets were quick to impress royalty and the church. In
>fact, to stop peasants using them, >it was decreed that to own a
>ferret you needed a minimum income of 40 shillings a year.
Okay, this one is about as a real as Paul Bunyon and Blue Belle:
Of course, Joyce's site is ALWAYS a treat:
Hadn't seen this one before:
but it does mention such things as:
>- 450 B.C. -  The famous Greek play-writer Aristophanes mentioned
>ferrets in his satire 'The >Acheans', around the year 450 B.C.. He
>compared these people with ferrets, who had already >established a
>reputation for themselves as thieves.
>- 350 BC - Aristotle wrote about 'iktis', which means domesticated ferrets.
>- 6 B.C. - Caesar Augustus sent ferrets (named by Plinius
>'viverrae') to the Balearic Islands to control >the rabbit plagues.
>- 1221 A.D. - The great Mongol leader Genghis Kahn uses ferrets in a
>hunting circle at Termed.
and much more.  Interesting page; glad I found it.  Be sure to see it.  I
have often heard the Victoria thing but have not seen any refs on that.
Still curious about refs on the Khan aspect.
Then there's:
is supposed to have some ferrets in mythology stuff but I didn't find
it, and has links to more such sites.
more historical ferret artwork, contacts, etc
Okay found this by Bob Church so it gives the basis for the Khan
speculation (about which I'd like to hear more details:
>While the ferret's progenitor species is most likely the European
>polecat, it is probable at least some >hybridization with the steppe
>polecat and/or European-steppe polecat hybrids took place along
>the >way (this is indirectly supported by the reported use of
>ferrets by Genghis Khan-ca. 1221-who >came from an area were the
>predominant polecat was M. eversmannii, the steppe polecat)
>[Davison >et al. 1999; Zeuner 1963].
[Posted in FML issue 3843]