I am in shock at the overwhelming response I have received over my FML
post about the sale of Maltese pennies I have.  I am so thrilled that
so many of you out there are wanting these coins.  They really are
great and I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the
help you are giving me because 100% of the money goes to my ferrets.
My uncle is sending me more of these coins 'just in case' and some of
them <the older ones> have a different scene on them but the ferret
scene remains the same. I am getting pictures made of them tonight for
those of you that have asked to see it but I have given a link to a
site where they are for sale in the form of a choker.  It is
www.ferretcompany.com and you go to the jewelry section and click on
the choker link.  There it is!!!!!  My pics will be more detailed.
Again, thank you all so much.  I really do appreciate it.
[Moderator's note: For the curious, and to avoid surprises: it's not the
domesticated ferret that is depicted on Malta's coins and stamps.  It IS
a weasel, Mustela nivalis, which looks much like our ferrets and which is
known locally in Malta as the Ballottra.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3841]