Donna just E-mailed me that GCFA got another close to death ferret in.
They stuck a pencil in its throat at the vets, Donna said, to try and
keep the airway open.  It was found in a park in the 80 degree heat here.
Most found dumped outside and brought to GCFA are too far gone to survive,
though they are rushed to the vets.  This has become almost a daily
Why don't people rush them to the vets themselves?  I would.  I HAVE.  Why
must a shelter with no money, room, or time do and pay for everything for
every found ferret in Illinois?  Makes me sick.
I cannot thank the GCFA shelter people enough for this endless barage of
ferrets they try so hard to save.  There is no money for this ones vet
If anyone would like to help pay the vet bill of this little one and the
other ferrets being thrown out in this heat that are being dumped here in
Illinois, go to www.  Or call Midwest Bird and Exotic Animal
Hospital at 708-344-8166.  You can put a donation for the shelter at this
vets on Visa or Mastercard.
Please leave your name and address so we can thank you.
God Bless all of the members of the FML for the love inside you for
these beautiful creatures of God.
Please pray for this little one.
[Posted in FML issue 3840]