>It had looked like (and still may be) that the ferrets, (BJ,Cody, Mr
>Snickers and Puffin) and the cat (Bingo), were victims of carbon monoxide
>poisoning.  As you may remember, my aide and myself were also sick until
>after the windows were opened.  I did as most of you suggested....got a
>carbon monoxide detector..it has not gone off.  I thought the nightmare
>was over.
My Aunt went through a long period of time where she would get bad
headaches while at home but was fine outside of her house.  It wasn't
Carbon Monoxide poisoning with her.  The phone company broke the sewer
line to their house last summer and in the process of fixing that they
discovered that the line to their house had collapsed in.  It wasn't bad
enough to have sewer backing up in their basement but it turned out that
the fumes from the sewer line were backing up in their house.  They made
the phone company and whoever installed the line in the first place pay
to fix the whole line and since then she has not had any headaches in her
house.  I wonder if this could be the problem with your house.  It is hard
to tell though because there wasn't actual sewer backing up so they had no
idea until they dug it up to fix it for another problem.  Also, when I say
fumes I don't mean that their house smelled like a sewer, my aunt is about
the most annul person in the world when it comes to having a clean house
but there were poisonous fumes getting released in their house.  Since it
doesn't appear to be carbon monoxide, this is the next place that I would
Good Luck and I hope that your nightmares ends with the last two staying
[Posted in FML issue 3831]