>I just noticed my one new little girl (got her from a friend and she has
>her shots) is losing hair and getting a bit thinner...she is the only one
>that bites and bit me really badly today... I hope it is nothing serious
>and I will call my vet tomorrow...her tail was totally bald when I got
>her and that fur grew back on.... Her bare spots are above her tail and
>on top of her head...she is a silver...
You may be new, but you will probably hear this one a lot -
Abnormal hair loss anywhere on the body, except the tail, should engender
thoughts of adrenal disease, and this is exactly what your vet should be
looking for. The average age of ferrets with adrenal disease is about
4.8 years, and 6 years is really a prime time.
While I don't think the biting is necessarily the result of adrenal
disease, behavioral changes may be observed as part of the hormonal
imbalances that accompany this disease.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3837]