Hi all
Things have slowed down here a little.
A little guy named Zorro came in today.  By special request, he waz met
by Renate and Sparkle.  As they didn't know each other I thought dat
introductions were in order.  They seemed to hit it off right away.  They
said they would take himn under their paw and show him da ropes.  They
headed off to da Fruit Bar as no ferret can resist it long.  Then it waz
off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw them
over at da Ferretone Flood lapping up da ferretone.  They all seemed to
be enjoying it with great relish.  There waz no surfing although they did
try to get him on a board.  He said maybe later.  He said he perferred to
eat ferretone and not wear it.  They seemed to enjoy it a lot though.  I
think he will do great as they are looking out for him.  He said he is
sorry he had to go but when it is time it is time.  He said he feels
bunches better.  He said to send lots of luv and kisses and hugs to his
mommy and daddy.
I looked up in da puter and found Mr. Fiscus over at da Wrestling Matches
where he waz studing da competition real hard.  He said dat he misses you
and here isn't da same as home but it is not to bad.  He said dat you
would not know him now as he ha been hitting da gravy real hard and has
gotten a lot bigger.  His match came up and h had to go but he said to
send lots of luv and kisses to his mommy.
I looked up Rocky and Bukkwinkle in da puter.  They were over at da Crazy
Kars making laps.  They were pretty good at it to.  I wanted til they took
a break and went over and talked to them.  They said they have been doing
real good here and have been putting a lot of time behind da wheel.  They
like it here but it is not da same as home.  Maybe a second home.  They
said dat they missed you to and to send along lots of luv and hugs.
I looked up Mac in da puter.  I found him chilling over at Dirt Mountain
in hiz den.  He looked so relaxed in there.  I dooked for entrance and
he invited me in.  He had all da comforts a ferret could want.  He waz
relaxing in a large room full of socks and stuffed toys.  He said he
wishes he could have stayed there longer but this is not to bad here.
He is fairly comfy and da only thing he misses is da hoomans.  He said
to send lots of luv your way.
I am off to Hammock Haven for a little nap.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3837]