>It takes months to get rid of this problem.  Has any vet found out why
>ferrets get black heads on a ferrets tail?
I'd like to know this.  I have this one boy that with lots of work and
patience, I can get rid of the black heads.  But they always come back
and with a vengence.  Why is this?  He seems so prone, and to huge ones.
I don't know if how i"m getting rid of them is wrong since they come back
so readily.
I soak the tail in warm water and massage for a while.  Then I have that
foaming stuff Russ told me to try and I rub that all in it, and lightly
with a soft toothbrush, I work it in (and try working some of the
dirt/blackheads out).  I do this daily, and after a couple weeks and only
after a couple weeks or so, there is a huge improvement.  My ferret has
them so bad, and so big, I must get some of them out with my finger nail.
After all that I do, I barely touch them and they come right out.  It's
really perplexing though.  No ferret likes all this fuss.  It takes two of
us to do this procedure each time.  If we leave him alone, he eventually
gets rat tail. :/
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for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3837]