Smartgroups has very small type in some places and very low contrast
The small font problem can be gotten around using browser features to
enlarge print.  That is what I had to do.  In Explorer it is found under
"View" in your menu then go into "Text Zoom" or use clover +.  Omniweb
also uses clover+ or you can go under "Browser" to "Bigger Text".  Mike
Janke has assured me that Netscape has something similar.
The low contrast is harder; I've written to Smartgroups Help people so
that they can think about tackling this.  Those who don't have 20-20 sharp
vision may not realize that at the bottom are things written in pale blue
against a white background.  Take my word for it; they are there, and they
might show up for you if you pop up the view part of your browser options
high enough which works for me if I go to 150%.  Since one of our browsers
goes as high as 300% I think most will find a way to see them.
There turns out to be a blue-on-blue change that happens when you use the
pop-up at "Messages", but I can't see it and suspect I'm not alone since
a number of folks are over 50 or have contrast problems for other reasons.
If you instead click once on "messages" it will pull up a different
sidebar that will show the options clearly so that you can then select
to read by date, or by thread, or can post.
Knowing these things helped me and should help others.  I know how hard
it is to figure these things out when the instructions themselves or the
help addies are too small or too low contrast to see except as a blur.
That is such a COMMON problem at websites.
Oh, if you try to write a message and it gets stuck thinking that your
password doesn't work, just hit "Log-in" BEFORE trying to post.  That
worked for me.
Some of the moderators had time to play with it before the change but the
rest of us are learning it along with you, so patience all around makes
[Posted in FML issue 3831]