Interesting question , so I asked my group and heres how it went.....
Mom: So what job would ya'll each see yourselfs in if you were humans?
Joey: Job........ME Mom???  You know all I would have to do is just bat
my big eyes at the female humans and they would buy me anything I could
ever need!
Mom: Yes Joe........I am aware you have that talent but what job would
you have if you had to have one ?
Joey: HMMMMMMM - Got it - I'd be the CEO of some big business......get it
mom........BUSINESS !!  heeeehe !
Lucy: Yes Joseph.....we all get it......well everyone except Elvis.....
Mom: LUCINDA LOUISE.....don't talk about your brother like that.......
Now please answer the question...
Lucy: O.K.  Mom.....dont have a cow.....Lets see....I'd be a soap opera, no, An ear doctor.........OHHHHHH nooooo - I'd be a stunt
person.......O.K.  final answer... I'd be an Soap Star who played and
Ear Doctor and did my own stunts !!!
Mom:  And Elvis what would you be ??
Elvis: Be.......what?  When?  You mean I'm not going to be ya'lls ferret
anymore??  You told me I could live with ya'll forever??  You promised
!!!!  Oh no.......I don't think I will be able to go on without yall.....
Mom: No sweetie......dont worry ....You will live with us forever and
ever.......I swear.......we love you !!!
Joey: Just put him down for village idiot, Mom !
Lucy: Score, dude !!!!!!!
So thats how it went.........the evening ended with Joey and Lucy being
sent to their room and Me having to spend several hours getting through
to dear, sweet, Elvis that He was indeed going to be my forever boy and
I AM going to be his forever Mom -
Thanks for a LONG evening !!!!!!!!
Mindy, Joey, Lucy and Elvis
With Stinky, Junior, Sally and Fatboy Slim watching over us all.......
enjoying the show !!!!!!!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3834]