Well, without a doubt we know Toby the Kouri Klub Kanadian Rep would be a
Guide for searching out the most unique and small paths as well as trying
to show the Canucks the way to the Kouri pages.
At this time Toby is in seclusion.  He has been having too many temper
tantrums and is barred from using the 'puter.
Noooo, contrary to some hoomans beliefs, he did NOT kill the computer that
put Da Mom off line for many, many weeks.
He is sulking because after getting up in the early hours and taking Da
Mom out on very adverturous trails she does not take him out at this time.
The "shoebox" is comfortable with a lil air conditioner for a lil shoebox
and when Toby wakes up, he thinks it's just another day in paradise...and
WHY do we not go on our daily walk on the trails????
Hot...it is soooo hot an humid in the Niagara Region right now..BUT wait
the PERFECT weather is about the 3rd week in September!
Anyway, Toby is trying to get to his favorite trails by digging under the
"out" door.
Big sigh from the "Trailblazer" but the good news is:
You just GOTS ta come to NIAGARA FALLS in September.....whoooooeeeeee, we
can show you such trails and adventures you would not believe.
Toby is just raring to get back to showing off his skill as as a guide...
come on to the FALLS!
but cause I can't get on the puter cause I be sulky has ta go through DA
[Posted in FML issue 3834]