Hi all
These are really late as there waz a misunderstanding on my part.  You
don't have to worry about da wild ones as they are immediately transported
to a better place as they have no hooman to wait for.  They are well taken
care of.
A little guy named Mosby came in.  He waz met by ET, Buster and Kartaia.
They were real happy to see him and greeted him warmly.  Then it waz time
to sit down and talk about da news and gossip at home.  They talked for
some time over this and dat and got caught up on everything.  They headed
over to da Fruit Bar and grabbed a snack before they went off to explore
and see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw them over at da
Ferretone Flood where they were lapping up da ferretone as fast as they
could.  They had comsumed quite a bit of it before it waz over.  Mosby
even gave da surfing part a little try and though he wasn't da best in da
world he didn't need to be licked bald afterward to get it all out of hiz
fur and didn't fall in.  Of course he didn't try any of da hard stuff but
he did ok.  He said to send lots of luv and kisses and hugs to hiz mommy.
A little girl named Warp came in later.  She waz met first by Meltdown and
waz greeted very warmly with a lot of rolling around and playing.  After
dat a lot of ferrets came up to see her and welcome her here.  Then it
waz time for da gossip time where everyone waz brought up on all da news
and gossip at home.  They then headed off to explore and see all da sights
and attractions.  Then it waz time to hit da practice tubes over at da
Tube Park.  They ran and ran and everyone chased everyone.  They had quite
an elaborate game of chase going on.  It waz to complicated for one little
sprite to try and understand.  They seemed to know what they were doing
and seemed to have a bunch a fun at it to.  She said not to worry as she
feels better and to send lots of luv and kisses to her mommy and daddy.
I checked in da puter thingy and found Rikki over at Dirt Mountain
where she waz relaxing after a hard day at play.  She said she waz real
comfortable here although she missed you very much.  She said it waz not
like home but second best.  She said she haz a lot to do and there is
always something new going on.  She has met a bunch of new friends and
she will introduce them to you when you get here.  She said to send her
luv and kisses and hugs to her daddy.
I am off to da races.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3834]