Hi All, I wanted to tell you the story of one little gal that has graced
my life with love and blessed me with her prescence...
back about 2 years ago, a friend of mine gave me 3 ferrets.  Among these
was dear sweet invincible Rocky, a beautiful little chocolate girl that
was for some mysterious reason, partially paralyzed but trust me that
didnt stop her from climbing up and down steps without and with carpet.
She couldnt dance quite the way the others could but did manage her own
unique front leg version of dancing.  If her buddies ran off, there was
always some that came back and played with her or came back just to see
if she was ok.
Well, shortly after getting her she developed signs of adrenal,her vulva
didnt swell but adrenal it was.  Due to her other health issues she was
deemed not a good surgical candidate so instead she spent her days here
with us, and her much loved buddies.  One problem she had that I was
prepared to deal with was due to the adrenal she sometimes forgot to
drink so needed watching closely, but still there were times she got
dehydrated but always managed to bounce back with sub-q I.V`s and
pedialyte,but not this last time.  Night before last I had a repeat
episode of her problem and did all her supportive care right away as
usual but she didnt bounce back, she spent most of yesterday having
small tics and would only calm somewhat if I held and rocked her.
Last night she started in with seizures that somehow were calmed with me
singing You Are My Sunshine to her.  Early this a.m before I could get
her to the vets, she started having full blown seizures all the while
screaming, again was calmed with her favorite song.  I was a block away
from her vets office when she gave one last breath and crossed the
bridge...all the while in my arms and all the while me singing You Are My
She will be missed, this is the sixth kid that has crossed the bridge
since Sept.  Not to neglect but because they come here to have a forever
home and some do have multi health issues.  I always say I cant go
through this again and yet, theres always one more that needs to be loved
and cared for in a forever home.  I`m angry sometimes at the people that
neglect their kids then when problems arise WE deal with it or some other
shelter deals with it but we do love them and always will.  Please can
everyone light a candle for Rocky and maybe sing a verse of her favorite
song?  Appreciate your kindness.
Condolonces to ALL who have lost a kid and hug the babies you have left.
Sue and the 24 fuzz kids
To let you all know....Rocky was a treasure and it was a true honor to
know such a beautiful baby.  (Bill, Sry this is so long I apologize)
[Posted in FML issue 3860]