>As for the person who said we should shoot Morrison, while I understand
>why you feel that way, that would make you no better then her and you
>really don't want that.  Too bad you can't get a "mole" to act like her
>friend and watch her comings and goings so you could protect other
Nah, we don't want to shoot her.  That's too easy.  It would be better to
lock her in a tiny cage and deprive her of human contact, exercise, food,
and medical attention.  Is that sinking to her level?  I don't think so -
seems to me like it's just her getting back some of what she dishes out....
Speaking of which, why is it that Warner, NH goes after the owner of two
mistreated fuzzies with a vengeance yet we can't get a conviction from
Layton City, UT for 261 mistreated fuzzies?  For shame, Layton City!
Have a look at your brethren in Warner who actually *care*....
Roger & the Fibonacci Ferts
[Posted in FML issue 3860]