Hey Ferret Fans,
To all of you wonderful friends who sent cards of encouragement re:
Tori's illness, I thank you so much.  I'm sure they were so sweet.  The
reason I say that is because my computer was being a complete brat and
I couldn't get to any of the cards or really much of anything.  Then....
it finally went to the Bridge.(actually, I felt like THROWING it over a
bridge.  Anyway, we now have a new computer and it looks like it's
BTW, your thoughts and prayers worked.  Sandee will have to wait as Tori
as rallied a bit and is feeling a little more chipper.  Thanks again,
Sue & Crew, TORI!!, Oscar, Sammy,Chance, Princess, & Nikki
Watching from the Bridge, Smokey, Bandit, Boots, & Samantha
[Posted in FML issue 3860]