Hi all, I have written in a bit and wanted to give you the low down on
Regarding Lupron: I get this for my Pip (and soon for Thor and possibly
Scooter).  Pip's shot was $225.00, it was the extended release and all
his fuzzy hair has grown back and he looks and feels so soft and fuzzy.
His "anger management" is much better too, so much so that he is able to
live with the other 7 fuzzies and not try to kill them every chance he
Also on Pip, a few weeks ago he woke us up in at 2am coughing, coughing,
coughing.  I was terrified at the way it sounded but assumed it was a
hair ball.  I gave him some laxatone, calmed him down and went back to
bed.  2 nights later he did it again.  This time I wasn't messing around
and ran him the vet the next day.  He has a VERY large lymph node on one
side and fluid in his lungs and intestines.  We started an antibiotic and
lasix.  I took him back a week later (no more coughing was heard during
that time) but sadly his Xrays showed no difference in his condition.
The lymph node is still huge and his lungs and intestines still full of
fluid.  We upped his lasix (1.5ml/2Xday) and changed his antibiotic and
added a blood pressure med.  It's been a week again, he is still coughing
now and then and my heart is aching.  I know this is heart failure for
him.  We joked with the doctor about a heart transplant, but I know this
isn't an option.  He is 7 years old, had a good life and if comfortable
right now, that is all i can hope for.
We are going on vacation in a month and I'm so excited by it.  Our first
one in 7 years.  A friend is house sitting and caring for the 6 other
ferrets, but the older guys (who require meds) are going to stay with
Mary from MKARESQ shelter.  That has been a HUGE load off my mind since I
know they will be in good hands.
As for the person who said we should shoot Morrison, while I understand
why you feel that way, that would make you no better then her and you
really don't want that.  Too bad you can't get a "mole" to act like her
friend and watch her comings and goings so you could protect other
[Posted in FML issue 3859]