I just wanted to thank everyone for their suggestions and comments
regarding post op. care for Noodles.  I recieved a lot of helpful tips
and I think if it weren't for the FML i wouldn't have a single clue what
adrenal was!
I hope everyone has a happy and SAFE fourth of july and that you not only
celebrate your independence, but your fuzzies as well!
I'm considering taking Buckie with me tomorrow night to watch the
fireworks, but I just wanted to get everyone's opinions first...he'll
have his carrier with food and water, and plenty of blankies....we wont
be gone for more than an hour and a half, and I wanted to show off that
cute flag bandanna I made for him :)  I just love it when people say "What
is that?!?!" LOL!  im hoping the fireworks wont bother him....if any one
has experience with this can you tell me?  should i take Mojo instead?
(she's deaf)) LOL  laterz
valerie and the crew of 3
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 3833]