>I thought it was maybe from the litter (Swheat Scoop) because it was
>different than usual (dustier).  I stopped using it but she still had
>sneezes occasionally.  I've became unsure about this litter, but my vet
>(a fuzzie expert) said it is safe so I went back to using it.  Mikette
>just had a sneezing fit this mornin (first long one in awhile) so I'm
>back to my debate.
Hi Riza ~
A lot of litters create a dust that is "aerosol" in nature.  Many ferrets
are reactive to that.  I use a clay litter made for ferrets ( made by
Marshall) called "premium ferret litter." It does not send dust into her
environment.  I mainly treat human bodies, but I have learned each person
is unique unto themselves, so why shouldn't animals be unique also.  My
feeling ~ is listen and watch your little one.  If she sneezes, the
litter is too areosol.
Warmly ~
Mary L. Conley, ND
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3857]