Anyone have a complete list of shelter addresses that they can post or
post a link to?  I'd like to have a copy on hand for those rare times
when I have a few dollars to spare...  [sent S.O.S. shelter list.  BIG]
What the heck are crocheted eggs?  I don't think I've seen one.  (or if I
have I didn't know what it was) I don't know what they are but I want one
now.  (Funny, the ferret sort of feels the same way about everything that
comes into the house.  Doesn't know what it is or what it's for but has
to have it!)
Kim Gunderson- I think after your experience you're officially a victim
of "battered mommy syndrome" :-) that was a riot!
Kelly Foran- try shopping at petsmart for S&G food.  Also here's a URL
for $1.00 off Http://
Sukie- :-) loved the thought of a Ferret Lama.  From a buddhist
perspective it just gave me a lot to smile about...
RE: Mrs. Miriah's enormous amount of help.  I sent her a $10 gift cert
for and signed it from FML.  thought it would be nice for her to
get something she likes for all her hard work.  For an 8 year old to take
on that much responsibility willingly is a wonderful thing!  (I work in
pediatrics and I doubt 1/4 of the kids I see would ever do something so
To BIG- the FML on Thurs was massive!  It was 50 pages long (I'm glad I
waited until I got to work to print it!)  Kudo's to you for doing such a
great job assembling it!  It took me forever to read it! and by the time
I finished you'd already sent out Fridays!!!  I'm exhausted!
[Posted in FML issue 3857]