Instead of bashing, flaming, or generally hurling insults, (I have seen
too much of this here in this forum) - how bout a funny story.  Anyone
that is in a bad mood, or doesn't want to see this, then please ignore my
post and go on to another.  Being new to this forum - I see alot of good
posts, and some bad posts that are really "slamming", if you will, of
each other.
I really would like it if people would realize that life is too short,
as we experience with our fuzzled friends, to sit and "spear chuck" each
other.  People - reach out and hug- not slug.  That said - here is my
story.  I am the mommy of the 7 month and 8 month olds - who decided they
can climb in a hole near the register and stealthly climb the drawers to
the top of the bathroom vanity....slowly pushing the drawer out (while on
their backs) - to see if they can scare the sh** out of mommy.  Yes, it
worked.  We have now placed a piece of linoleum over their "escape hatch"
and have two seriously pissed off fuzzies.  My little girl tried to
clambor in, discovered her hole was gone, promptly turned around and bit
me.  Guess she didn't like that eh?  My little boy - took one look at her
biting my toes and decided it looked too fun for her to do by herself, so
being the little "copyferret" he is, decided that while she munched on my
left foot, he would chow down on my right.  I went flying (screaming
hysterically) out of the bathroom, smack into the bedroom door (yesh, we
got her now!) threw open the door and tumbled - down the stairs, with two
fuzzies in hot pursuit.  Somehow I managed to get my feet under me and
tried to run.  Enter DOG.  Dog thinks this is too cute, and that he needs
to get involved.  Dog trips Mommy - down goes not only are my
feet being devoured, I get a free "face wash" with the deal!  How sweet!
Enter CATS.  Cats are now involved.  They are not the innocent little
bystanders they would like us to think they are.  Cats team up with
Ferts.  Now Dog AND Mommy are targets They chased us round and round the
dining room table, until I got to dizzy and gave up (truth is I tripped
over the damn dog too many times *grins*).  To cool down, I grabbed a
glass of water - and grabbed the innocent little angel who started all
this....I have decided to forgive and offer, as a peace token, a sip of
my water.  She usually drinks from whatever glass I have, whether she has
permission or not.  So I hold glass up for her to DAINTILY take a SMALL
drink.  Yeah.  Uh-huh.  She sees a chance to get Mommy - one last
time....She peered at me, blinked twice and then she DUNKED her ENTIRE
head under the water and sat there, under water, shook her head around
if to say: How you like me now Mom?  Then, took her head OUT of the water
and wiped her self dry, on yours truly.  Now if that story didn't make
you laugh, nothing will!  I thank God every day for the light these too
little creatures have put in my life.  I sure laugh a helluva alot more
than I used to, that is for sure!  To all fuzzie owned hoomans smile and
try and have a super weekend!
Kimberly Gorman
[Posted in FML issue 3856]