With a VERY Heavy Heart i must tell you of Spirits passing~
He passed this morning in his mommies arms at 8:10 am Wyoming time..
gave her a "sweet goodbye look" and ventured towards the Bridge~
Auntie Neen (Frontier Ferrets,WY) took the day off with Lori..
Upon necropsy they found a perforated bowel, liquified.  Actually this is
the third ferret of Loris that Jen has killed~the other 2 with incorrect
medical advice..Spirit thru STARVATION & dehydration~ For those who have
not heard how Spirit was recovered...
We had a lead that Morrison was in Boise Idaho...we sent our ferret
person to a residence in Boise, and she spoke directly to Morrison...
Morrison denied having Spirit or ANY ferrets in her possession..That was
Sunday July 14th...the following day we contacted Boise & Davis County
Animal Control..to assist in our getting Spirit back as we did NOT
believe Spirit was not there...That same day Morrison contacted DeAnn
Hess (Davis Animal Control) asking what to do ... DeAnn demanded she turn
Spirit over to Boise animal control,immediately!  Which she did.Within
minutes our ferret person picked up a VERY ILL Spirit...Rich Donovan
(Executive Director/Boise animal control/Humane Society ) had mailed me
asking for this to happen,asap..because Spirits condition was SOOOO
CRITICAL he did not want to even take him into the Animal Shelter ...
It has been a very painful journey for Spirit since Morrisons
involvement...it has been an uphill battle since he was returned even tho
he received all possible medical and supportive care by those directly
A Pay Pal Account has been established for Spirits medical expenses and
his cremation.If you would like to donate the pay pal acct is:
[log in to unmask]
If you would prefer checks you may send them to me:
Tara Radford
8300 Phillips RD SW Unit 80
Be sure to mark BOTH pay pal & checks for:Spirits Fund...
We are in the process of starting a raffle...it will be WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
Details will follow in the next few days...
Bless you all....SANDEE PLEASE WELCOME SPIRIT...let him know how much he
is Loved & missed/gone from earth but FOREVER in our Hearts..
With Love,
Tara & TroyLynn
ps...to send Condolences PLEASE mail Lori at: [log in to unmask]
(problem with that addy Please let me know)
Join our Ferret Group!! Club Med Ferrets
NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 3856]