Hello all you FMLers.  My mommy has informed me that many people have
been worried about me and many prayers have been sent up on my behalf.
Gee, what can a ferret say?  I am so thankful to all of you who were
there for my human mommy and for me.  You have no idea how good it makes
a fuzzy feel.  I wanted to let you know that I am now home and my mommy
is spoiling me to pieces.  I am still on the thin side but I am on a
fattening up gravy recipe my Auntie Troy-Troy sent to my mom.  Boy that
stuff is tasty and I bet I plump up in no time flat the way I am eating
it.  I still can't really use my hind legs too terribly well but have no
regrets because I can darn sure get around.  All the meds my mom has to
give me tho sorta make me nervous.  I know they are for my own good but
those shots of Baytil are the pits.  The sub-q liquids therapy is the
worst.  My mommy has been so nice tho and when she gives me the shots I
pee on her and she ignores it.  I can't help it tho!!!  I will keep all
of you updated on me and as soon as my mommy has time she will put some
new pics of me up for all of you to see and send the URL to the FML.  I
love you all so much and thank you very much for caring for this older
yet very adorable ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 3856]