Hey all,
for a change, I want to ask about my female - Hooker: She is 1.3 years
old, and we have her from last September (almost one year now).  She
never was too naughty, and her favorite game was to sneak out the room,
and go to sleep in other place (in the bathroom or in the kitchen).  on
May, she felt from the third floor's window.  she is OK.  luckily nothing
happened, but it seems like since then she is depress.
At June we bought our new kit, Crook, who is very naught, and like to
play a lot.  when he is anoyying her, from time to time she plays with
him, but most of the time she lay down on the floor and do nothing (even
when he catch her by her neck, she lays down and do nothing).
What is going on with her ?  she can be depress ?  does she get old
already ?
[Posted in FML issue 3855]