First of all, to Melissa: You are definitely not the odd one out in the
topic of animals and heaven!  Everyone is entitled to their believe! :)
I'm sure there are many others on the FML that perfectly agree with you.
Thanks for your input and your politeness.  I received a distasteful
email from someone today, and I appreciate your respect to what other
people believe.
Your comment on the respect for life was so right!  Keep on teaching
others to respect life no matter how big or small!  Once again, thanks
for your openness and civility, knowing and observing that we all have
our own beliefs!  :)
Second of all, to Kayla: I just want to emphasis that I don't firmly
"believe" that all animals go to heaven.  But, I have found some
scripture that mentions animals in heaven and the talk of animals and
humans as a sort of in equality.  One of my points is that there are no
verses that say there won't be animals in heaven.  So I will personally
email some scripture to you that I've found helps a little.
Thirdly, my response to Edward: =20
>Dear Steve Baer,
>As a non-christian I am deeply offended by your posting about your God
>and your holy book. Please keep your dreams of heaven (hell) to yourself
>and not put it before my eyes and sensibilities. I pray to Jesus that he
>will protect me from you, his followers and likewise Allah.
>Your religion has no place on the FML nor does mine, so please cease and
>Thank you,
>Edward [...], Atheist
I believe that my responding to your email the way I would LIKE to is
just putting myself to your level.  I choose not to say what I'd like to.
You are definitely entitled to your own belief (or lack of) and opinion.
But you had no right to be so sarcastic and defensive.  I don't like to
have debates on the FML and was not trying to start one.  I was
responding to a post/inquiry about what people think about animals going
to heaven.  I wasn't posting my religious beliefs.  I was being a good
friend by responding to someone's genuine concern on the topic.  I am
sorry if I offended you, I had no intentions of doing so.  I am not the
type of person who would openly display my beliefs and try to offend or
"show up" people.  I never even mentioned that I was a Christian and that
I had "dreams" of heaven.
And also, if you were observant enough to see how I sign my posts, my
name is Jen (I always sign my posts, "Jen in PA").  The name that you
addressed is my husband's name, the name on the account, and he doesn't
use the computer.  Maybe before you are quick to respond like you did,
you should finish reading the post to know my name!
Lastly, the words cease and desist mean the same thing.
Jen in PA
[Posted in FML issue 3855]