Hello fellow ferret friends.  I ve been very behind in my emails and
I m bummed that I missed the summer card exchange!  I am very proud to
announce that Merry is doing great!  (Merry has Lymphoma & had surgery in
June to remove a lump attached to her intestine.)  In the 2 weeks that
lapsed between surgery and the start of chemotherapy another lump had
begun to form.  Merry had her 1st chemo session on 7/11/02.  Her 2nd
session was on 7/19/02 and the oncologist was surprised at how quickly
the lump reduced in size!!!! :-)  She goes for her 3rd treatment tomorrow
and we re hoping for even more good news.
Merry is taking < pill prednisone every other day and < pill of cytoxin
every 5 days.  If anyone is interested in the specific protocol of the
chemo please email me directly and I will give you all the stats.  I
decided to take Merry to an oncologist based on the protocol because my
vet did not have L-asparignese (spelling?) and the oncologist did.
Tansy, thank you so much for all of the information you gave me on
drugs/treatments.  It really helped me make educated decisions on her
treatment.  I d also like to thank Mary, Valerie, Linda, Kim F., Dawna, &
Ellen for all your support, helping me find info. & putting me in touch
with others that have dealt with Lymphoma.  Merry sends dooks & ferret
kisses!!!!  I d also like to thank Dr. Williams for his responses to my
questions on the FHL.  This list has been my life line and I really enjoy
all the stories & what if...threads (the ferret jobs were too cute).
I'll have to list mine this weekend when I have a chance.
Wishing everyone & their business Health & Happiness,
Trish ~ Merry, Pippin & Zira
[Posted in FML issue 3855]