I was all set to go get Rusty from the vets and when I called them to
confirm they informed me they were waiting for a prescription to come in
from the pharmacy that I would have to take home to administer to him and
it would not be in till mid-afternoon.  So to make a long story short,
Russy has one more day at the vets.  I live about an hour and 20 minutes
one way from the hospital he is in and I unfortunately have to work today
so mid-afternoon was not an option.  Rusty dearly loves a fleece covered
bell ball I got him from The Ferret Store on the Internet and the other
hospital I had him at lost it and another bell I took for him to have
when I admitted him the first time.  I am going to go buy him one today
and get him Ferretone and other luxuries befitting a special ferret.  I
can't believe they lost the damn ball.  At least I have a good ferret vet
now and that makes all the difference in the world.  I will take more
pics of Rusty when he gets home and I will share them with all of you.
[Posted in FML issue 3854]