It's FAIR time again!
(August 5th thru 11th)
This year we REALLY need all the help we can get.  The booth needs to be
"manned" ("Womanned"?) from noon 'til 10pm Monday thru Wednesday and
Friday thru Sunday.  Thurdsay it needs to be open 10am to 10pm.
(Thursday is "Kids Day") Help with set-up and tear-down would also be
Greatly appreciated.
I can run the booth, weekdays, from about 2pm 'til about 6:30pm everyday.
Jeff should be able to get there between 6 and 7pm and stay 'til close.
SO what we really need is help from open (11:30-12'ish) 'til about 2pm.
It would also be nice to have someone come in at about 6pm to overlap me
and Jeff.  Saturday and Sunday we'll cover catch-as-catch can.  Tear-down
will be immediately at close on Sunday and Set-up will be sometime the
weekend before the fair opens (August 3rd and 4th)
Help is appreciated ANYtime.  Even if it's a time already covered.  It's
always nicer to have a couple people in the booth at a time.  We'll have
our playpen set up.  You can bring your ferrets if you want, or not if
you don't want.  If you do, you can feel free to ask people not to touch
them if you don't want them poked at.  We DO ask that nobody but the
ferret's owner (YOU) be allowed to hold any ferret.  And that all ferrets
brought to the Fair MUST be up to date on Rabies and Distemper vaccines.
So ....everybody email me what times and days you can work and what times
and days you prefer to work AND let me know how much you're willing to
work.  (Like maybe you're available all week but you only want to work
two days for 3 hours each day and you'd prefer Tues and Wed evening.)
If you have ANY questions, email me.(Please don't reply to the FML.  I'm
sure BIG doesn't want the clutter and with a 5 month old - human - I
don't get a chance to read it too often any more!) Feel free to pass this
on to anybody else you think might be interested.  And even if you can't
make it to help "work" the booth, stop by to visit us the week of the
Fair.  (We'll be in Commercial Building #20 in booths 213 and 214.  Same
as last year.)
[Posted in FML issue 3854]