>What did Morrison do to poor Spirit?  Did she lock him away in a cage
>with no food or water and leave him to slowly starve to death?  Why?  Did
>she feed him only enough to keep him barely alive?  What was her purpose
>to slowly starve to death this precious innocent being?  Does she crave
>control over anothers life to the point of slowly killing them?
Why doesn't someone just get out a gun and shoot the bitch?  After what
she's done, she doesn't deserve the "right" to live.  I probably should
be sorry about feeling like this about a "fellow human being," but I'm
not.  I don't have one shred of empathy for her, regardless of what her
mental problems may be.  Animals inhabit this world too; they are also
God's creatures.  I just can't comprehend why a despicable person like
Morrison is afforded more respect than the animals she has and continues
to torture and kill.  A bear that so much as threatens a human being
would be killed, at least here in New Jersey.  A dog that bites even one
person is immediately "euthanized" in many places.  Why does a person who
tortures and kills her fellow creatures with no remorse have a right to
continue living?
OK, I'm done ranting.  On the way home last night I witnessed a young doe
have both her back legs broken and left to suffer by the side of the road
by a driver who was apparently more concerned about the damage to his car
than a poor creature's suffering.  So I guess today I'm not feeling so
charitable toward people who have no empathy for animals.  Something is
seriously wrong with them, that much I know.
Nancy and critters
[Posted in FML issue 3853]