As far as the price on Lupron goes, I had a little sprite on it for
almost three years.  Midway through her treatment another health issue
arose, and that change in her system necessitated increasing her dose.
We increased the frequency and the dose, and she was back to doing great
again.  My vet is is New Jersey, and when Nova received DOUBLE the normal
dose, the visits were about $35.  So $12 for a single dose shouldn't be
unattainable.  The problem is this: how many Lupron ferrets does your vet
treat?  Lupron doesn't seem to come in "single-serving" packages.  When a
bottle of Lupron is opened/prepared for use, it has a finite lifetime- my
vet felt comfortable with one month in the freezer.  So if no one else
needs the rest of the bottle before it expires, your vet has little
choice but to charge you for the whole thing.  Try to find a vet with
many adrenals in the practice, and you might do much better on the price
of treatment.
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[Posted in FML issue 3853]