Of course the finest treat a ferret could ask for is a raisin.  Yet in my
house hold there are other treats that if offered in moderation are great
variances to diet and taste.
Nibble-ed likes raisins and almost anything sweet.  She is really partial
mostly to raisins, but loves also those frozen pops in a plastic tube.
That has allot of sugar in it so have to be careful on volume she gets.
Byte-me likes raisins and tomatoes.  The tomatoes I thought were fine
for them, but she lost all her hair from eating too many.  Once I stopped
that and her system purged, the hair came back.  A little tomato now and
then is ok but that is most sparring in issue.
Kodo is the easiest.  He eats anything I do.  He loves spaghetti, will
eat that all day.  Loves uncooked french fries.  Loves broccoli.  Of
course the raisin ranks right up there.
The store brand name treats can be a disaster where one does not know
what kind of crap is in them.  8 in 1 treats have to be the worst of all.
Bud nearly died from eating them.  The company reimbursed me for the cost
of the treats but not the vet bill.  The others would not touch those
treats so saved me a huge vet bill as well as their lives.
Just like any animal, they each have taste preferences varied as the
personality they have.  Just need to be careful where moderation is the
key to all.  I expect Kodo to be flipping Pizza crust next!  ha!
[Posted in FML issue 3830]