Diane Taylor, called me today, and asked that i do a post for her since
she is having problems with her isp(?), a wireless service, and has a
short somewhere.
Rusty has surgery scheduled for Tuesday, with a vet, she has finally
found ONE, in Little Rock, thanks to some fellow fml'rs.  Rusty is
grooming himself, and eating, has some use of his hind legs, so is
walking and getting to know his surroundings.  He has an enlarged kidney
that will be removed, is insulinomic, enlarged adrenal gland, but the Dr.
also did bloodwork and there are abnormal cells , indicating (cancer)
somewhere?  So, she is asking that you all keep her Rusty in your
prayers, especially on Tuesday.  This little guy has been in and out of
the hospital the past few weeks.
Wondering how Spirit is doing?  his mommy had to make a very long drive
to bring him home.
DAWN: Prayers for your bestest friend, that a miracle.  be bestowed upon
her, the doctors know a lot, but they don't know everything...never
understimate the power of prayer, my Eppy is proof of that.  For those of
you who kept my Eppers in your thoughts and prayers, many blessings!  I
will ask my mother to put your friend on her prayer chain, too.  I just
got off the phone with her, but w/call her later, and put in the request.
Amy & Dave: I am glad that you were able to contact, Kim...sounds good,
just keep looking, it takes time, as she may be out when others are
not, so you never know, when your paths will cross again, It can get
discouraging, but...i never gave up on Eppy, couldn't ever, he was
family, my baby...i would do it for my fleshly child as i would for my
I have so much to try to get done today, that i must keep this short...
no applause please :-)
I still miss my Bandit...still breaks my heart, just as Odie, and Roxie,
and the rest...these guys, wonder how an human would react to all that
these little ones are tested with, when they get ill.  Would we all be
so stoic?
Must close for now, my best to all of you.
donna, eppers, and the gang angeled and homed.
[Posted in FML issue 3850]