Hello everyone,
I would like to thank you all for your prayers and support while I was
with "it who shall not be named".  I am at home now with my mommy and
Auntie and they are making sure that I get better.  I was so happy to
see my mommy show up yesterday at that nice lady Gay's house.  Gay and
her husband Kip took very good care of me once the monster went away.
(Thank you Gay).  It felt so good when mommy picked me up and gave me
kisses, she wouldn't even put me down to go potty and when I went potty
everyone cheered because it was "normal".  Humans... go figure!
I met a new Aunt yesterday too.  Her name was Aunt Neen.  She really
wanted to hold me and mommy finally let her on the way home.  She was a
nice lady too and she fed me some kibble.  I was so hungry and ate
alot... once again alot of cheering went on!  (Thanks Aunt Neen) I also
want to thank Aunt Tara and Aunt Troy Lynn for everything they did to
help get me away from "it who shall not be named".
Anyways... It was nice to be home again last night.  I slept like a
ferret!  My mommy got me up this morning to give me some duck soup.  I
don't know why they call it duck soup when it is for a ferret but it must
be that strange human way again!  I ate some and drank lots of water.
I didn't really feel like eating much this morning but this afternoon I
jumped into the dog dish and ate lots of crunchies.  My mommy told me
that it isn't good for me to eat dog food but she was told that it would
be alright "for now".  (Thats okay though cause if she takes it away my
k-9 brother Dodger said he would give me some... and I know he will cause
he hasn't stop kissing me since I came home!)  She said I also have to
continue to eat "ferret soup" because I need the nutrients.  Mommy is
also giving me vitamins and the pink stuff the doctor gave Aunt Gay.  I
hate that pink stuff!  Mommy and Aunt Shana have been holding me all day.
I just love snuggles.  Aunt Tara and Aunt Troy Lynn have already been
checking in... Bless them both!
I want to thank everyone again for all their well wishes and their help
in getting me away from "it who shall not be named"  I will write again
soon to let you know how I am doing.
Mommy said I should give you permission to cross post my message to any
and all lists you would like...
Love to you all,
[Posted in FML issue 3850]