Dooks to everyone!
About 3 weeks ago, we took in a shelter ferret named Peanut.  Peanut is a
long legged guy and is extremely thin.  All he seems to like is Whiskas
(pls no flames, it's all he would eat at the shelter) dry cat food.  He
sleeps alot and we let him tool around in our bedroom when he's awake
because the other ferrets are not accepting him right now, and I dont want
to stress him out and put him in with them until he is stronger.In between
naps he will typically eat a few pieces of Whiskas and drink some water.
His poops look good.
Lately, I havent noticed him eating at much and he seems dehydrated again.
When we first got him, I gave him some subQ fluids and that seemed to perk
him up a bit.
Today, I pureed up cooked chicken meat, some water, a little bit of
Ferretone and some 8-in-1 Ultimate dry.  He ate a little bit off my
finger, but not much.  Tonight I force fed him about 20-25 cc's by
syringe.  Problem is, I dont know how much I should be feeding him or if
I should give him subQ fluids again.  Regarding subQ fluids, I no longer
have access to subQ fluids and am trying to find out if I can buy regular
saline at the store (I have everything else but the fluids).  Does anyone
Any idea how many cc's of this mush I should be feeding him daily?
Becky and Heather
The Invincible Seven: Abby, Andre, Annie, Arthur, Avery, Bob and Peanut
Missing Ally...1/6/02
[Posted in FML issue 3819]