William Gair Wrote:
>You know I'm so tired of hearing how we have to Marshall's job.  Does
>Marshall check out their distributors before sending our beloved kits to
>them?  Really it doesn't look like they do.
Bill...Marshall Farms Ferrets does not use distributors(*)..they use one,
their own, and not all MF kits go through that distributor.  In the 10
years I helped receive Marshall Farms's Ferrets at a friend's pet store
here in Reno, (At least 10,000 ferret kits and I was the unofficial ferret
inspector and 'Let's ask MC to help this fuzzy out', if needed..for all
ferrets) I have almost never seen an underaged kit.  I have seen very
few sick kits.  What you are led to believe about Marshall Farms is
absolutely false.
(*)There is some question as to the relationship of distributors to
Marshall Farms and their sales policies and practices.  I will look
into that this coming week and post what I find here in the FML.
I believe CDC, Hagan's Ferrets, Triple F Farms, and, Path Valley, *DO*
use distributors.  My friend's pet store has received ferrets from most
of these commercial breeders at one time or another, and some have come
to us via distributors.  What I have observed about MF ferrets, holds
true to these farms as well.  The big difference is that MF kits are
handled from a very young age and as such, are not as aggressive at
first, as are the other farms' kits.  I want to emphasize here that ALL
the kits grow up to be wonderful, loving (As loving as a ferret can be!
Heh!) companions, to be cherished by their lucky human partner!
>I think what we need to push and advocate is purchasing from reputable
>breeders.  This is what the rest of the pet market has done.
This also is misleading.  Again, my friend's pet store was one of the
most reputable in Reno.  He sold AKC registered dogs.  A good number of
breeders in Reno/Sparks used his store to sell the pups that were not
good enough for show and breeding but not 'bad' enough to be destroyed.
(From poor hip dysplasia analysis, etc.) My friend's store also sold
Beagle's....from Marshall Farms.  These dogs were wonderful animals and
all that I saw had sweet and gentle dispositions and, to my knowledge,
none have had any undue medical problems.  (FYI..these were lab animals
from UNR.)
Addressing your comment, Prey tell, how do we educate the public to only
buy from reputable breeders?  Do you and I advertise in all the papers,
television, radio, magazines, etc.  to let people know?  Get real...what
you advocate is an impossibility of the first magnitude.
>Do I have a Marshall Ferret?  Yes I do......a rescue named Ethel that I
>wouldn't part with for a million dollars.  She is sweet and loving and
>docile, and SMALL as she was altered at 6 weeks as are all Marshall
This is tripe.  There has never been any studies that show this to be
true.  It is all anecdotal.  I import New Zealand ferrets.  I own a little
female that is now 4 years old, and is the absolute ruler of my brat pack.
There is nothing wrong with her..she is healthy as an ox.  She is a whole
ferret (Never spayed) and guess what?!!  She weighs in, in the winter
when she is all porked up fat a whopping 2.1 pounds.  Right now, she is
only 1 pound.  10 ounces.  My point is, early neutering does not result
in smaller ferrets, or higher illness rates, weaker resistance to
illnesses, etc.  What you state is also all anecdotal.
>Almost 100% of the ferrets up for adoption or those in deplorable
>conditions at pet stores seem to be from Marshall.  Why?  I'll tell you
>why.  Nobody is interviewing the potential buyer.  Or if they are it is
>purely a formality.
You really want to know 'WHY' you see more Marshall Farms Ferrets in
shelters?  It is because MF sells more ferrets than all the other
commercial breeders combined...5 times more.  So, of course you are
going to see more MF ferrets in a shelter.
Let's talk about rescues and sick, neglected ferrets..*now* we see more
private or unknown bred ferrets.  I see and hear stories about rescues,
like the Utah ferret rescues, and the New Jersey impounds of 100's of
ferrets, some almost dying from starvation, etc.  Most of these ferrets
are NOT commercially raised ferrets, rather from small, 'reputable'
breeders.  (Yeah right..reputable my butt!)
>I don't mean to be a zealot but I have seen this before.
Horse hockey.  You *ARE* a zealot.  You are running off at the fingers
about something you have absolutely no knowledge.  You are distributing
false and incorrect information as accurate.  You have no documented or
researched information at hand.  Try getting **FACTS** from reputable
sources before posting as true.  You are not doing ferretdom any favors
by your yellow journalism type approach.
>Any animal "breed" that becomes extremely popular degenerates.  It is up
>to the "clubs" to counteract this.
HUH?  Many times it is the clubs that have led to the degeneration of an
animal breed from in-breeding and poor breeding practices.  (Example...
hip dysplasia in the German Shepherd dog, and other breeds.  The selective
breeding for White German Shepherds over the years has produced white
Shepherds that are a medical nightmare....all because a white Shepherd
was desirable to the public.) You might ask, what do I know of dogs, etc.
My Mom was considered one of the best GSD judges in the world, and judged
shows from the Gran Sieger shows in Germany to Westminister, to the Cow
Palace and Madison Square Gardens in the U.S.  A little of her knowledge
and information rubbed off on me.
>Ferrets are the third most popular domestic pet.
Not quite true.  I read or heard somewhere that they are way behind fish,
reptiles, etc.  as pets.  Not sure what their popularity standing is in
the real world.....
>You have to start now or we will all pay for it later.  Especially our
>beloved little carpet sharks.
Instead of spreading inaccurate information, why not spend some of your
well intentioned energy on helping to educate people in your community
on the proper care of their ferret.  (Or other pet!) Start information
clinics at your local pet stores or in the malls, etc.  You would be
doing a much greater service for our beloved carpet sharks.
For our ferrets!
MC, The Rude One
(With Snorkle, Tuzigoot, Bancho, and Artemus.  In spirit, Bubba,
Billy-Bob, and Garret)
[Posted in FML issue 3816]