Hi everyone!  This will be my first actual post on the list.  I've been
reading everyone's posts for the past few weeks and I just wanted to say
what a great group of people you are.  Your ferrets are lucky to have you!
So for starters, I'll introduce my kids:
Alfredo is my first Albino baby.  He is an angel.  He loves to snuggle,
give kisses, explore my apartment with me.  I have a day bed in the ferret
room and we nap together with him on my chest.  He's almost too well
behaved really.  Doesn't dig, has NEVER bitten me (althought he used to
attack my old roommate's feet every chance he got), goes in the litterbox
with a 70% hit rate.  The only thing he does is scatter his food
everywhere, but I don't mind the mess.  He is about 7 months old and I
love him to pieces.  He loves to go everywhere with me.  He'll hold still
in my arms for as long as I ask him to.  He's infatuated with my bedroom
and bathtub.  He will do whatever it takes to get in either one.
About 2 months after I adopted Alfredo, Bailey joined the household.
He is a Blaze.  He's still not quite as big as Alfredo, but he's getting
there.  He is so nosey.  He always has to be a part of whatever you're
doing.  When I'm eating, he sits under me and just watches.  When I'm
cleaning, he "helps." He's the first one to greet me when I open the
ferret room door.  We're working on potty training.  He's getting better.
He is also a ravenous little fellow.  If he spots food or drinks in your
hand, you'd better start running.  He used to be very food aggressive but
since he's figured out that no one is going to steal his food, he's
chilled a bit.
I also have a little hampster named Oreo who I rescued from the humane
society.  He's never met the ferrets and I'm going to keep it that way.
Well, I do have two questions.  Bailey is very vocal when he's wrestling
with Alfredo.  Alfredo is the alpha male, that's for sure, but Bailey
seems to hold his own.  He makes this crying noise.  Everytime I hear
it, I run into the room, and they're still having fun.  Bailey usually
initiates the roughhousing.  Could he just be particularly vocal or could
he really be getting hurt?  I always check for abrasions or bleeding or
even a bushed tail and never find anything.
Also, soon I will be getting a puppy.  However, I am weary of doing this
because I don't want to upset the ferts in any way.  They've met my
mother's dog and chased her all over the house.  I think they thought it
was a giant ferret.  Hehe.  But is there a good way to introduce the two?
And has anyone had any experience in training a puppy or dog what is
proper behavior around ferrets?
Sorry that was so long.  Thank you for your time and any help! :-)  Also
watch out for my boys' website which will be up soon!
*Kate, Alfredo, Bailey, and Oreo*
[Posted in FML issue 3806]