To all who've had (have) many ferrets:
I am curious about how common is it for ferrets who don't otherwise bite
to bite feet?
I am relatively new to the world of ferrets and I have a wonderful boy
Rocky who was a terror as a baby but we got through it, but he still
loves to nip toes and chew on ankles, "Yum Yum," but nothing is better
than the socked foot--"to get sock and foot in one bite is heaven!"
--Rocky (quotes)
I've gotten different impressions from my readings.
To all who lost fuzzies:
I cry even as I write this because there's nothing like the love and
antics of a ferret and as sad as it is when they leave, all of us who
have discovered their joys must be thankful to have shared part of our
life with them.
To Susan:
Tally's Poem was so beautiful and quite an honorable and memorable
tribute for all fuzzy's who have departed this world for the next.
Shron & Rocky "If I don't bite, will you put ferretone on your feet?
Mmmm ... Feet in Ferretone Sauce is my favorite dish!  I'll have the
fruit plate for dessert."
[Posted in FML issue 3829]