Lee and I... (not forgetting the 3 furkids) would like to offer a general
thank you to all those who so kindly sent cards and messages of condolence
after the loss of our little girl.  We will contact you all individually
in the next few days, but I am sure you all know that right now its just
too hard a thing to tackle
We are still coming to grips with it, and are learning more about the
events that led to our parting, for example I was told today That before
the Surgery, Bubbles went "hospital visiting" to wish his little adopted
sister good luck, he probably told her that they had made a hole in him
again (that always happens when he sees the doctor people).  I am glad
that at the very end of her time, even though I couldnt be there, Bubbles
was there to give her the comfort that only a cagemate can give, which
was probably better for her than seeing me.
That makes the next news so worrying.  Last night I noticed that the
Warweezil was very quiet, and realsied he hadnt made an appearance all
evening, I had been expecting some depression, when I checked him I found
he was unable to walk properly and was staggering and seemed uncoordinated
on his right side.
To make a long story short, the practice from nursing our girl meant that
he was checked regularly thru the night, as I am now in the habit of
waking frequently, this morning he went to the vet, they were surprised
that there was a problem and saw him immediatly.  John (the duty vet)
thought it may be a reaction to giving blood and gave him a b12 vitamin
and steriod shot, telling me to bring him in later if I was still worried.
at 2 pm we returned and having had a good look at him, all we can find is
a middle ear infection, (in fact tonight I have found a small scratch
inside his ear) which is now under treatment.  The theory is that as the
ear affects balance it is that which is affecting him
It puzzled me how this suddenly sprang up, and how he has aquired it, his
ears are generally fine.  so in 2 days he had 3 holes made in him (he
never flinches at injections, he just hates *that* thing they stick in a
place where no fuzzy should have anything stuck into).
He is sleeping now, in the tote bag that is around my neck, seems he is
taking the place of our little girl as that is where she spent a lot of
the last week she blessed us with.  Poor Bubbles, he was so good
yesterday, the vet could not believe that the big lively ferret I took in
to give blood stood so still and behaved so well while they took whatever
they though Little Cussieweezil might need, they were expecting him to be
a handful.
Please keep Bubbles in your thoughts, he has been really depressed and
unhappy today, and just wants to be near me, I just hope our big ol'
Warweezil is back to his normal self quickly, He has coped with a lot in
the last 48 hours, and hasnt complained or flinched once.  It was so
strange today watching just the 2 girls rolling about on the floor here,
it used to feel like the room was full of rolling ,dooking, wardancing
demons, now Bubbles isnt feeling like a game its eerily quiet in here.
Again, Thank you all, your kindness has been a source of strength.
Cris, Lee, Bubbles Skweek and Rhubarb (and Cussieangelweezil)
[Posted in FML issue 3827]