It came too soon.  He wasn't even 4 years old yet.  Mocha's been ill since
February, has seen 3 vets, and been taking all kinds of meds.  Apparently,
it was his time.  I prayed a few months ago for him to hold on a bit
longer... I felt a year or two.  It was not to be.  Tuesday I had to help
him to 'the bridge'.  I have never been through a more agonizing event in
my life.  My heart goes out to all who have accompanied their babies at
their last earthly moment.  It was so second he was licking
Ferretone, the next he was at the bridge.  The tears have not stopped yet.
Probably won't for a while.
He was my 'alpha ferret'.  He is the reason I love ferrets so much.  He
was the 'teacher of terrible tricks', the 'raisin runner', the 'educator
or everything I didn't want the others to know', 'the flinger of flagyl'
(wow, was he good at that).  I am trying to remember the good and not the
bad.  I think it was Kat Parsons (if not, I'm sorry I credited the wrong
person), who says "Don't cry because it's over.  Smile because it
happened".  Those are true words of reflection.  And honestly, it's those
words and the phone conversations (Thanks so much Alicia), and the company
of a non-ferret owning friend that got me through all this ordeal.
Sandee, please show him all the great spots for munchies and fun.  And
please show him where the plastic bags can be found.  That was his
favorite toy.  He'd jump on the bag as if it attacked him and then run
inside and 'beat the tar' out of from the inside.  They wouldn't last
long, so I hope there's a good supply up there.  He was a very friendly
ferret, so I think he'll make friends quickly.
But Sandee, most of all, Please tell him how much I will always love him
and miss him, and that his room mates miss him, too.  Please, tell him I
did everything I could to save him.  Ok, here comes the waterfall.
Thanks so much, Sandee.
Angela and the Angels:
  Mocha (heavenly)
  Cocoa, Ted, Sassy (earthly)
[Posted in FML issue 3827]