Hi Folks,
I have a wonderful fuzzie that I'm looking for a special buddy for.  Her
name is "Bobbie" and through misadventure broke her back and became
paraplegic back in December 2001 soon after she came to live with us
(luckily her human family members are paramedic and nurse,respectively.).
Our vet assured us that the prognosis would be good as long as we
understood what was needed to care for a paraplegic animal.  As we've
been involved in care for human spinal injury patients,we had a good idea
what we were in for.Our vet told us she was glad that we decided not to
euthanize her as most people would find it overwhelming facing the
possible amount of care involved.
It's been a little over 6 months since the accident and it's heartwarming
how well adjusted and happy Bobbie is now.  Even though she has gotten
back some movement in her back legs,neither her lower back or back legs
can support her.BUT DON'T THINK THAT STOPS HER!  her front legs have
gotten quite strong and she manages to regularly pull herself around about
as fast as I can walk.  Bobbie also has 4 cat friends(3 of them really
like her and 1 just tolerates her)and though they get along and can even
share food,the kitties were used to their old buddy "uncle henry" a fully
abled(and then some) ferret that adopted some stray street kittens that I
thought I had adopted.These are now 3 of my cats and although I might even
be so bold as to say that they seem to emulate and even identify as ferets
or a ferret/feline mix and really love to play,the cats range in weight
from 12 to 20 lbs.  they're very lean and love to play hard,which was
fine for old "uncle henry" who was clearly the alpha in my menagerie.
Unfortunately,little Bobbie is a little more delicate and though she
doesn't lack enthusiasm,the cats needed a bit of training to not play as
hard as they were used to with Uncle Henry.So,now Bobbie would really
like a friend who could play with her on her level.Since her recovery has
gone so well and we've become so used to her special needs,we decided that
we might try to adopt another ferret who has a spinal injury or maybe
amputee(the additional work would be minimal).  As my vet told me most
otherwise healthy spinal injury ferrets were euthanized,I thought as we
were going to adopt another fuzzie anyway why not adopt one that might be
put down anyway or maybe have to spend an extended time in a shelter?
So, if you are a vet or know someone in this difficult situation,I live
in Seattle,WA and would be willing to travel as far as Spokane area to
the west and as far as the California border(thereabouts) to the south.
Please feel free to email me.
Thank you,
Will Laudanski & Bobbie(...& batman & robin & jackie & "7 of 9")
[Posted in FML issue 3827]