Hi all
I have to excuse my hooman this time as they are working very long hours
and sometimes don't even get a chance to turn on da puter.
A little guy came in today.  By special request he waz met by Socks,
Suzy, Bailey, Nelly, Jack and Jill.  I introduced everyone to everyone so
they all knew each other.  Things were a little tense in da beginning but
everything got worked out.  They took him under their paw and headed off
to da Fruit Bar to get a snack.  Then they took him off to explore and
see all da sights and attractions.  They then headed out to get him
settled in a den and get one dug at Dirt Mountain double quick.  They
dug and dug and with all of them working in unison it didn't take them
long at all and they soon had an elaborate tunnel system.  Then it waz
off to da Sock Steal game to get him a comfortable stash.  With all
working again they soon had quite a stack of socks to carry back to da
den.  He got everything in there and where he wanted it and soon had a
quite comfortable den to hang out in and seemed real comfortable.  He
said to send lots of luv and kisses and hugs to hiz mommy.
I am off to clean out my den as I have been neglecting it lately.
Gotta go
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3826]