We had to help Warp pass this morning.  It was determined that in her case
going to sleep with isoflurane gas before her final shot would be the
gentlest method so that is the way it was handled.  We simply could not
any longer control her pain enough with the combo of Torbuterol and
Prednisone, so a mercy shot was the kindest thing for her.
The very large doses of Pred and her pain meds bought her a decent chunk
of extra quality time and that is what is important.  It is very important
that folks remember that: that sometimes with careful med combos extra
quality time can be given.  Even at the age of eight years she was our
fastest ferret until quite recently and her meds played a very important
part in that joy for her, and her mind was sharp till the end.  She got
to "trick Daddy" again last night.
I'll have to crash part of today when the nervous epinephrine wears off,
and need the sleep because I'll have to sleep funny with Seven's needs
tonight and tomorrow morning in preparation for her surgery tomorrow but
had only 3 hours this morning and Steve and I have not had much for 5
days.  If you want to write to me privately, please, wait a few days, and
please, remember that straight sympathy posts aren't accepted on the the
FHL.  [This is the FML bit it was crossposted to the FHL]
I guess that for someone who was expected to die by the age of two years
due to one of her problems she did a lot better than okay.  True, she
needed some difficult emergency surgeries due to that friable intestine,
but with careful care she got a full and happy life despite it.  When
possible, that is what it is all about.
[Posted in FML issue 3825]