i have found out that the way scooter butt died is very common.  there
are other cases just like scooter butts story.  if the vets can't find
veins then how do they draw blood from our loved ones.  this has to be
changed now not later.  i would like every one to help change this way of
euthanasia in every state and around the world!  if they can draw blood
work For tests then they can find veins to do the dreaded thing every
fuzzy person should love their ferret that much.  I do know their are
those out there that abuse the ever loving ferret just like any other
animal but even ferrets have hearts of gold that doesn't deserve to go
that way.  Please pass this on to every fuzzy parent that you know and
maybe we can change this.  even if they can't find the veins the vets
should put the ferrets to sleep first so the mommy or daddy of these
loved ones can let them go in peace.  i haven't sleeped but 3 or 4 hours
since that day, all i see in my dreams is scooter's last minutes and that
is enough to stop a sleeper from sleeping; then think of what it does to
the human children that go with there parents to put there family member
to sleep.
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[Posted in FML issue 3823]