I had to respond to this.  In the last three weeks we have spent 2500.00
on four ferrets.  One didn't make it.  My husband loves the ferrets, but
we both admit that I am the one who is totally enamored of the little
ones.  He has never complained about the money.  His concern is that they
don't suffer.
As we were paying the vet last night when we picked Murphy up to take him
home I was asked why I felt compelled to spend so much on my animals.
(This was from the receptionist.)  I explained that I had to do what I
could for the ones in my care.  I owed that to them.  My commitment to
them is something I don't question.  I just do it.  She then asked if I
would have anymore when the 9 I have pass.  I didn't even hesitate.  Of
course I will, I can't imagine myself not having a ferret or two around
even in my old age.  As long as I can care for and pay for them, I will
have them.  Then I had to explain how I cam to have 9 ferrets.  I admire
the rescuers, I surely do.  But I have never gotten past the rescue, and
then rehabilitate part.  Placing them just never happened.  That is how I
came to have 9 ferrets.  I bout three of the nine as pets.  The others
are also pets, I just didn't buy them.  Of the remaining six, one is an
adoption from CJ in Las Vegas.  The others were unwanted.  Not anymore!
So, for what it is worth, I will always have ferrets.  They own me.
Kim in Reno
with Cybil, Bullet, Murphy, Moe, Cassie, Dunkin, Chester, Daniel, Benjamin
and Mort ... at the bridge
[Posted in FML issue 3776]